Group training classes allow our instructors to teach you how to train your dog! 

Our group classes have 4-8  dog handler teams per class.  Classes are 1 hour long and are held on set day and time each week for a series of weeks. 

To register click on the class that works for you and complete the form and payment to reserve your spot.

If you don’t see a group class that works for you, contact us about private training lessons. Private lessons are customized to fit your schedule! 

Please note-If your dog has behavior concerns group classes are not appropriate and private training/behavior counseling is needed. No refunds can be given if dogs must be excused from class for disruptive behavior. 

Does Your Dog Want To Try Out A Bit Of Everything? How About A Sampler Class

Dog Sports Sampler Class! 

This 3 week class explores a different dog sport each week! AKC Rally obedience, Agility, Nose Work Scent Training. Sample a new sport each week and see what fits you and your dog best! Use clicker training to teach a wide variety of skills that are useful in every day life and beyond! Fun foundation skills for dog sports that  build attention and focus!

This 3 week class is limited to 5 students

Pre-requisite Basic Manners, or K9 Life Skills 1&2- dogs must be free from behavior concern

Beyond Manners- Competitive Obedience

This is a great class for students seeking a fun challenge after manners training to prepare for competition in Rally and Obedience. In this 6 week class you and your dog will work on the following:

  • Obedience ring exercises -Sit stay (1 minute) and down stay (1 minute) with other dogs close by
  • Sit stay- handler walks around the ring 
  • Sit stay for exam/Stand stay for exam
  • “Heel”- Figure 8 exercise/Novice Rally signs
  • Introduction to off leash heeling
  • Sit/Wait/Come/Front/Finish
  •  Considerations for starting to compete with your dog

This 6 week class is limited to 4-6 students . Best for dogs over 6 months old, Pre-requisite Basic Manners/ or both K9 Life Skills 1 &2 and Advanced Manners. Dogs MUST be friendly with all people and dogs.

Any Dog Can Learn New Tricks!

AKC Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced Tricks Classes!

Trick training is a great addition to any training repertoire. Learn how to use a clicker to precisely train just about anything! Our tricks classes teach skills that build confidence in your canine companion and qualify for the AKC Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Trick Dog titles! Own a mixed breed or purebred rescue dog and still want to get the titles? Register your dog with the AKC

Four one hour classes -Novice Tricks: “Get in( a box), shake (both paws, spin, twist(left/right),targeting/touch, get on (a platform), paws up, balance beam, jump through a hoop, speak, crawl, high five, push ups, find it, give a kiss, take a bow, say hi/wave.

Intermediate Tricks:

Balance on disc or exercise peanut, Fetch it (20 ft. away and deliver to hand) ,Go to your place (to bed/mat, crate from 10 ft.), Leg weave, Rollover, Game (manipulates interactive canine game), Sit Pretty, Wobble board, Catch (soft toy, soft ball, treat, etc.), Teeter totter, Balance treat on nose or head (e.g., dog biscuit), Head down, Jump through handler’s arms/over leg, Open Remove object from shoe box, Go find (handler hides, dog goes and finds)

Advanced Tricks:

Back up, Play Dead, Walk on hind legs, Sit and down at a distance, Pivot, Turn on light, Put toys away, Shy
dog/salute, Say your prayers/embarrassed, Cross your paws, Hide your head

This class is limited to 4-6 students. (cost includes a clicker). For any age dog- Highly recommended to take classes in order/hold previous level title to take Intermediate and Advanced

Does your dog already know these tricks and want to learn new ones? Contact us for private lessons or AKC Trick Dog Testing to earn your title!

Enroll To Start Learning New Tricks Today!

Want to get started with Rally Obedience? We can help!

Intro to Rally ( Rally Fun 1)

In a fun 4 weeks you and your dog will learn a lot and work on the following to help you and your dog learn to perform 42 Novice AKC Rally sign skills:

  • “Sit stay”, “down stay” walk around dog/return to heel
  • “Heel” Paces: normal, fast, slow, straight sits
  • “Front”/”Finish” (left and right-swing/around)
  • About turn, U turn, 90’s, 180’s, 270’s, 360’s
  • Fast down, serpentine weave, figure 8’s, spirals
  • Advanced control and focus skills for “heel”

Rally Fun 2- Novice courses and learning Intermediate Signs

  • Prepare for ring ready skills to compete
  • Footwork for turns and pivots
  • “Sit stay”, “down stay” walk around dog/return to heel
  • “Heel” Paces: normal, fast, slow, straight sits
  • “Front”/”Finish” (left and right-swing/around)
  • About turn, U turn, 90’s, 180’s, 270’s, 360’s
  • Fast down, serpentine weave, figure 8’s, spirals
  • Advanced control and focus skills for “heel” on leash
  • Warming up your dog and going lure/treat free in the ring
  • Full Novice course fun!
  • Learn next step Intermediate signs to keep going in Rally

Pre-requisite Basic Manners, or K9 Life Skills 1&2 or equivalent- Rally Step 1 is taken before step 2. Classes are 4 weeks, class limit is 5-8 student/dog teams.

Intermediate/Advanced/Excellent and Master Rally- Classes and Course Work practice are available as students move up from Novice

Available as private lessons! Contact us today to schedule!

Looking for a place to practice your Rally Skills? Join us for Rally Course Work! Hour sessions of floor time include a set course for you and your dog to practice with real ring distractions. Build your team’s confidence, skill set and experience to get ready for showing! We are happy to help teams complete the AKC Virtual Rally program for titling options.