Group training classes allow our instructors to teach you how to train your dog! 

Our group classes have 4-8  dog handler teams per class.  Classes are 1 hour long and are held on set day and time each week for a series of weeks. 

To register click on the class that works for you and complete the form and payment to reserve your spot.

If you don’t see a group class that works for you, contact us about private training lessons. Private lessons are customized to fit your schedule! 

Please note-If your dog has behavior concerns group classes are not appropriate and private training/behavior counseling is needed. No refunds can be given if dogs must be excused from class for disruptive behavior. 

Got A Dog That Loves Activity? Agility Fun Is The Perfect Fit!

Agility Fun 1

This fun 4 week class teaches handlers and dogs fun agility skills. Great for confidence building and improving team work for any age dog! Pre-Requisite Basic Manners or equivalent. Dogs must be free from behavior concern and able to work up to being off leash and under control around other dogs. We gladly take new students who have completed classes elsewhere. 

  • Clicker Training
  • Re-calls-Go to Target-Wait
  • Spin-Twist(left/right)-Bow-Tug
  • Jump uprights-Tunnels-Ladders-Plank-Table
  • Confidence building exercises
  • Settle-Place-Crate work

This is a 4 week class,  limited to 5 students.

Agility Fun 2
This fun 4 week class starts building dog’s confidence on equipment- Students must have taken Agility Fun Step 1, Dog Sport Sampler or equivalent foundation skills on the flat. 

Clicker Training
Re-calls-Go to Target with increased distance-Start line wait/lead outs
Jump skills-Sends-Curved Tunnels-Beginner Contact Equipment- Dog Walk Plank/A frame 
Confidence building-2-6 weave polls (working entries only for dogs under 12 months)

This is a 4 week class,  limited to 4-5 students.

Agility Fun 3
This fun 4 week class starts dogs working on Teeter performance, dog walk intro and 6 weave polls- Students must have taken Agility Fun Step 2 or equivalent. 

Clicker Training
Beginner Teeter work, dog walk, 6 Weave Polls (working entries only or 3-4 polls for dogs under 12 months)

Crosses on the flat and with low jumps

This is a 4 week class,  limited to 4-5 students.

Agility Fun 4
This fun 4 week class builds confidence for the dogs running on full height contacts: Teeter, Dog Walk and A Frame- Weave poll work is included fading guides. Students must have taken Agility Fun Step 3 or equivalent. 

Clicker Training
Full Height Teeter, Full Height DW, Full Height A Frame
6 Weave Polls- working entry angles

This is a 4 week class,  limited to 4-5 students.

Skills Development and Agility Course Test (ACT) Prep Class
Advance your obstacle performance and handling skills in these 4 week classes that build confidence for the dog and handler.  Students must have taken Agility Fun Step 4 or equivalent. Contact performance ( 2 on 2 off)

Full Height Teeter, Full Height DW, Full Height A Frame- Table-6-12 weave polls- tunnels-full height jumps-

 4 week class,  limited to 4-5 students.